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The Software Checklist
for Agencies & Service Providers

Is MOCO Right for Us?

General Conditions

  • We are a small to mid-sized project service company (3-150 employees).
  • We prefer software with a simple pricing model and reliable fixed costs.
  • We want a short onboarding period.
  • We are open to cloud software and appreciate not having to worry about IT matters (operating system, integration, database).

Functional Coverage

  • We are a service company that works on a project basis.
  • We dislike isolated solutions – but we are not looking for a jack-of-all-trades either – we value a selected, well-harmonized "software set" as a golden mean.
  • The essential functions for us are time tracking and invoicing.
  • Capacity/utilization, acquisition, and incoming invoice processing are also relevant topics for us.
  • We are open to pragmatic approaches in special cases.

Industry Solution

  • We expect customization options for our master data management.
  • We do not want software that requires additional paid customization or is sold with a "consultant package."
  • Pragmatic work is important to us.

Provider Services

  • We want to test the software easily and without obligation.
  • We want to be able to take our data with us effortlessly if we cancel.
  • We want to be able to integrate existing software via API interface, Zapier, or Make if necessary.
  • We value good support – phone calls are not essential for us.

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30 days free trial

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