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Our Principles.

1. Simple software is the future

In software, there are two camps. The "Old School" will become extinct.

The "Old School"
The functional, rather ugly software with small fonts and complex forms looks cumbersome at first glance. Usability is a foreign word here – and thus the software is no longer contemporary. Moreover, the customer is supposed to be tied down. Expensive training, maintenance, and updates are the order of the day here.

Contemporary software that is fun
So far mainly found in the USA. Developed by a generation that grew up with the internet and apps. It simplifies the workday through simple processes, sleek design, and personal customization options. Integrations and an API interface offer the user the possibility to connect other systems.

2. Less is more

Focus on the elementary needs of our target group

Comprehensive functions and complex relationships do not have to feel complicated. If a competitor's software has 12 functions – do we then need 14, 16, or even 20? No! We compete with fewer functions and are thus less complicated. "We reduce to the max" – this means we constantly and thoroughly question where sensible reductions can be made without losing functionalities – and focus on the essentials. This benefits the user in their daily work. They notice that software can be effortless and fun.

3. Special cases remain special cases

Careful further development

If we simply implemented every customer request, soon no user would find their way around and we would be untrue to ourselves. Often, a good solution can be found on the customer's side through some rethinking.

We thoroughly examine every request and each of our ideas for their relevance – and look for flexible solutions to problems.

4. Consistent simplicity

Ease of use comes first

Not only must the design be simple and attractive. Forms should be kept as short as possible, reports should be meaningful, and every user should be able to find their way around easily after a short period of acclimatization.

The first contact should also feel effortless.

Creating a non-binding but personal account in 5 minutes without mandatory details allows everyone to get a first feel for the software. Questions are not answered by a sales team but quickly and straightforwardly by the product managers themselves. A simple, transparent pricing model rounds off the package.

5. Software is never finished

Optimizing existing features and developing new functions

External factors are constantly changing: technical standards, trends, devices, use cases. By working with MOCO on a daily basis, we continuously identify optimization potential ourselves. Customer feedback is also exciting and important for us. All this flows into our daily development.

That's why it's good that we are a cloud software and can make optimizations without our customers having to install expensive updates.

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