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Why MOCO exists.

Often the overview was missing

From our own practical experience as employed business consultants and designers, we have seen in our former and other companies what was really missing: The quick overview. Financial, project, and personnel planning were far too complicated and opaque.

Multiple programs were permanently installed on computers or people made do with Excel lists and Word templates – a quick, striking overall view was out of the question. A weak point when you need to make timely and well-founded decisions in daily business, often on the go.

Evaluated software was not satisfactory

The result of our search for suitable software was sobering. Evaluated solutions either looked outdated and complicated or were chic marketing promises that turned out to be a flop after deployment.

The goal: Software that is fun.

So we decided to do better and developed MOCO, a mobile solution for Companies for financial, project, and personnel planning, which has only one thing in mind in terms of content and appearance: The essentials.

Born in 2010 – Market entry in 2014

Developed with passion. The history of the development is documented in our News-Blog

Graphic on the development of MOCO agency software 2010-2022

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