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How to Use the API as a "Non-Programmer"?

As a regular user, you might not think about whether a software has an open interface. However, this so-called API has many advantages. You don't necessarily have to be a programmer or developer to benefit from it. 
What an API is, its advantages and disadvantages, and what the possibilities look like for "non-developers" – read more here:

What is an API?

An API (English: application programming interface), is an interface that a software system provides for the integration of other applications. It allows for clear, abstracted, and structured access to the functions and data of the backend. Developers can thus connect their own or external software for individual workflows.

Providing such an interface includes detailed documentation of the interface functions with their parameters. Just as the design of a website is conceived and created, an API must also be designed and created. And since the interface is initially implemented and tested by a person (a programmer), there should ideally also be documentation that is understandable for humans (or at least for programmers).


  • Individual evaluations can be created.
  • Less effort: Data does not have to be entered twice. Information from the other system can be accessed.
  • Fewer errors, less typing, and a better overview: The creation and updating of data via the API can be automated and synchronized.
  • The need to switch back and forth between different applications is eliminated.


  • To be able to connect other software individually, programming knowledge is required. So if you don't have a developer in the company, you need to hire someone externally.
  • Developing a connection takes time.

With services like Zapier, you can benefit from the API without programming skills

Web services like Zapier use the API and connect countless business tools (web apps) with each other. No programming skills are required for setup. A so-called "Zap" is simply clicked together. 
Zapier also provides its own functions such as email or SMS notifications for certain events.
Agentursoftware über die REST API und Zapier mit anderen Apps verbindenEnglish image not yet available...


With Zapier, a considerable number of simple workflows can be realized. However, for the synchronization of master data across multiple systems, the path via the API is essential.

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