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Quick Wins: Display of Planning Entries & Project Search for iOS App

Weiterentwicklung Agentursoftware MOCO – Planung & iOSEnglish image not yet available...

Visual Weighting

The visual weighting according to the planned project volume brings back the usual boldness: All entries from 6 h take up double the height (1). For a rough planning of personnel in the future, we recommend planning 6 h fully for an 8-h day – this leaves enough remaining time to accommodate meetings, small jobs, and spontaneous tasks.

At the beginning of this adjustment, the height of the planning strips may seem a bit high – this is due to the fact that if there are many entries on a day in past or future weeks – the surrounding weeks will adjust in height accordingly.

Project Search iOS App

The current next step for the iOS App (from iOS 14): MOCO now offers a project search (2). This is available when there are more than 20 projects.
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