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WYSIWYG – Deluxe Variables.

The use of variables has reached a new level: Instead of searching for the right variable using the help feature and typing it in, MOCO now offers all variable options for insertion automatically by typing an opening curly brace "{" – with a live preview.

Variablen in Angeboten und Rechnungen nutzenEnglish image not yet available...
Variablen mit Live-VorschauEnglish image not yet available...

When editing documents, a live preview of the variable value is displayed. Directly upon insertion (1) – as well as in the set text (2).

Standard Texts

In the settings, the variables are no longer listed next to the predefined standard texts, as copying and pasting or typing is no longer necessary. Simply type "{" ...

If a value cannot be directly inserted, the variable text is highlighted in yellow. This is evident in the settings for the standard texts.
Variablen in Standardtexten nutzenEnglish image not yet available...
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