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UX Quick Wins – The Subtle Difference.

UX Optimierungen UPdateEnglish image not yet available...

Overview of visible and tangible optimizations in the last one to two months for a better UX

  • Client: The responsible person's profile picture is now displayed (previously text only).
  • Project: On the Invoicing page, the remaining amount is primarily displayed next to the invoiced amount. Secondary information about the budget and the percentage already invoiced is covered by the tooltip of the progress bar (1).
  • Project group: The client's name is also linked.
  • Files: Clicking on uploaded files under "Notes & Files" opens them in a new window, instead of being downloaded. Downloading can then be done as needed.
  • Reports: All links turn blue and underlined on mouseover – to clarify the link character.
  • Report on Billability: The annual progress is only displayed up to the current month (previously, the curve lay unsightly "on the ground" in the coming months) and for the current month, not the whole month is considered but only the billability up to and including today (2).
  • Reports Label Filtering: Color dots assist in the selection (3)
  • Report Time Tracking > Project Time: The monthly hours are directly linked to the detailed hour records.
  • Additional services: Under Notes & Files, there is now a history (as in other places).
  • Filter: The icons used to select the status have been enlarged. They were often less noticed and are now more present and easier to select.
  • Team Report: In the team report, the amounts are now displayed in addition to the hourly totals (analogous to the personal report and company report) (4)
  • Company Report: The "Billable" link has been changed to ensure that the addressed number can be found after clicking on the link. Therefore, the previous link to the project list (cross-year) was changed to the financial report (annual basis).
  • Planning: The project number is additionally displayed in various places.
  • Settings: There is a new section "Accounting", as with further development, centralizing the management of options makes sense. In this step, "Extensions" and "Subscription" were also moved down. This creates clearer sections in the settings menu for the eye.
  • Payments: Uniform sorting of payment lists. The latest payment is now at the top.
  • Wording: At the points where the items are directly offered for Invoicing, MOCO names them "billable". When it's just about the potential or character, the term "chargeable" applies. The difference seems hardly present, and in English, it doesn't exist at all. However, we hope that the change will bring about an unconscious distinction.
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