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Quick Wins: Updates on Projects, Proposals, Transfers & More


Sort projects by project number
In the settings under "Projects", you can now choose whether the project lists should be sorted by project number (usually corresponding to the order of creation) instead of alphabetically.

Project report: Breakdown of "Work at hand" (1)
The new tooltip on the progress bar, which compares the recorded services with the project budget, shows how the amount of work performed is proportionally broken down into hours and additional services.

Project group also usable for internal projects
You can now create project groups for internal purposes as well, allowing you to view internal projects in aggregate. To do this, select your own company as the customer.

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Contacts, clients, suppliers, or other companies: Bulk deletion (2)
Selected contacts or companies can be deleted with a single click. This can be helpful after a test import (usually always test with 3-10 contacts before performing the full export).

Expenses: New filter for transfers (3)
Before creating the transfer order for online banking, you can now specifically filter by the following properties: Receipt available, Approved, Project assigned. This allows you to create the transfer order even more precisely.

Proposals: Download with one click (4)
For your filing, you can download all filtered proposals collectively from the "Proposals" overview.

Time tracking: New keyboard shortcuts
In time tracking, you can use the keyboard in the field to quickly control minute or quarter-hour steps:
Minutes: up/down
Quarter-hours: Shift + up/down
Especially with predefined standard working hours, you can make small adjustments more quickly.

Time tracking iOS App: UX
As soon as there are more than 20 projects to choose from, the focus is directly on the search field and you can start typing right away. With fewer projects, the dropdown is faster.

Time tracking Android App: Target-Actual comparison
The Target-Actual comparison with one click is now also possible with the Android app.
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