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Quick Wins: OCR, Payment Capture, Filters & More

MOCO Quick Wins UX OptimierungenEnglish image not yet available...

Project Controlling

New Filter Option for Project List
You can now also filter the project list by search term (1).

Internal Hourly Rates Can Be Carried Over from Previous Year with One Click
If you leave the hourly rates for 2024 at zero (0), you can carry them over from 2023 to 2024 at the end of the year with one click.

Project Group Report Enhanced with Detailed Information
The project group report now shows on mouseover of the budget progress "Performed", how the performed amount is split into services and additional services (2).

Invoices & Expenses

OCR Can Optionally Read Individual Items
If you want to assign individual items to different projects, you can optionally save the individual items when creating the expense.

New Filter Option for Payments
Payments for invoices and expenses can now also be filtered by "Payments without receipt". For example, you would use this filter if many payments are recorded via bank connections and some of them are not assignable (3).

Assign Payment without Expense
Just like incoming payments, outgoing payments can now also be assigned to an expense retrospectively. 

UX Miscellaneous

Payment Capture Optimized
Payment capture has been optimized (Invoicing > Payments > top right "+"): Completely revised technically, now with page change and grouping by month/year.

Customer Selection for Project Group
When creating project groups, customers are now also offered for whom there are no active projects yet.

New Filter Option for Companies
The direct filter has been expanded to include the search term option. Previously, one had to go through the global search (magnifying glass top right or "/").


Leads: The lead export has been supplemented with a "Additional Information" column.
Customers: The customer export now also includes a column indicating whether the customer has stored differing hourly rates.

API & Zapier

Zapier Manager
In the account (Settings > Extensions > Zapier) you can now manage Zaps directly without having to switch to Zapier.

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