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Accounting: Cost Centers for DATEV Unternehmen online.

Cost centers on the rise: In MOCO, cost centers for invoices and expenses can now be set up for the accounting option "DATEV Unternehmen online Direct Transfer".

Objective: Populate KOST1 and KOST2 in DATEV

For incoming and outgoing invoices (see example image from DATEV), the fields KOST1 and KOST2 can now be populated via MOCO.
DATEV kostenstellen business software mocoEnglish image not yet available...

Setup in MOCO

In the settings under "Accounting" > "Cost Centers", you can choose which details should be transferred to DATEV. This can either be the project number – or a custom-defined entry at the project or document (invoice/expense) level.

Project Number

Is transferred if the invoice was created directly for the project. 

Custom Control via Own Fields

Through a custom field (type Single Choice or Single Line Entry) on Project or Invoice or on the Expense, you can define individual cost centers for selection (1).
Kostenstellen mit eigenen FeldernEnglish image not yet available...

It is then selectable in the settings via the dropdown for mapping (2)
When you select the desired cost center at the destination (3), it will be transferred with the accounting export.
Kostenstelle Beispiel RechnungEnglish image not yet available...
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