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Quick Wins for Projects and Time Tracking
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Extended Activity Description for Time Tracking
The allowed character count for the activity description has been increased to 500 characters.
Link to Billability Graph
For each person, the billability graph (Billable Hours) is linked to the detailed hours breakdown in the personal report. In the overall report (Reports > Time Tracking), it links to the global hours breakdown (1).
Invoicing Contact with Picture
A selected contact in the project invoicing information has been enhanced with an image (avatar) (2).
Text Fields Grow with Content
Text input fields such as "Additional info" in the project form now expand with the content.
Target-Actual Line in the Personal Report
As in the Hours report under "Reports" > "Time Tracking" (select "Employee" top right as the person group), the target hours are also visualized in the personal report and compared to the recorded hours (3).
Contact Email, Hour Count, and Work at Hand in Project Export
The customer contact's email address has been added to the Excel export (select "Projects" top right). There are also two new columns that make the hours accrued and the hours exportable next to the amounts. The new "Work at Hand" column allows breaking down the amount in the company report by project.
Invoiced Date in Hours Export
In the hours breakdown (Excel format), the "Invoiced" column now indicates not just Yes or No but the actual date.
Custom Fields in the Additional Services Export
The Excel export for additional services (in the project under "Additional Services" and globally under "Projects" > "Additional Services") now also includes the custom added fields.