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Optimizations for the Large Screen.

We have given MOCO a second breakpoint to make reading and navigation easier on large screens. With a slightly larger font and better use of space in width, your clicks should be even faster in the future.

Screenshot der Zeiterfassung in MOCOEnglish image not yet available...

More Space in Width

This update has no impact on the content – everything stays in its place. We take into account both the width and the height of the browser window, and if there is enough space, MOCO is displayed slightly larger and takes up more room in width.

The only small adjustment that comes with the update: for the Expenses, the net and gross amounts are arranged side by side – as is the case everywhere else.

Larger Font

With the wider display, MOCO also adjusts the font size to improve readability. This affects all texts and happens relatively, meaning that nothing will shift or change overall.
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