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Time Tracking

MOCO + Quick Access

Browser Quick Access

With the browser extension, you can directly track time through the browser without having to switch to the window or tab with MOCO.

Zeiterfassung MOCO Browser SchnellzugriffEnglish image not yet available...

Benefits of the Integration

After installing the browser extension for Chrome or Firefox, you can quickly access MOCO in the top right corner of the browser bar to enter hours for the current days. Each user can find the API key to activate the extension in their profile under "Integrations".

With Command + Shift + K, the time tracking can be called up via keyboard (possibly set this shortcut for the browser)

Setting up the Connection

1. You are using Chrome or Firefox as your browser
2. Install the browser extension
» Tobias demonstrates the setup in the video starting at minute 1:00
Video Browser Extension Erweiterung Zeiterfassung MOCOEnglish image not yet available...
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