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MOCO – The Business Software for Small and Medium Agencies.

Achieve greater satisfaction, productivity, and business success with intuitive and effective software.

MOCO Agency Software Screenshot

Less is more.

Goodbye Excel, isolated solutions, and outdated, cumbersome software. By focusing on essential functions, clear structure, and good performance, less stress and more time for business.

The best part: MOCO is fun!

ERP System MOCO Experiences

"In the realm of agency software, we've seen a lot, experienced a lot ... With great design and even better, well-thought-out features, MOCO is a real game-changer for us as an agency!"

Johannes Wiese, dotflow, Erfurt

ERP Agency Software MOCO Experiences

"MOCO is the first thing that has convinced me to give up my Excel lists. I didn't want anything else – the word tool was forbidden here. Thumbs up, fantastic!"

Jordis Fink, neusite, Aachen

Comparison and experiences with the ERP agency software MOCO

"MOCO is truly the best thing that could have happened to us! I never thought we'd say that using an ERP software/agency solution is fun."

Dominik Blaschke, pit-con GmbH, Business Consulting, Münster

With 6,000 companies on board, MOCO is the most popular ERP agency software
in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria (DACH).

MOCO – for small and medium-sized agencies

What does small and medium-sized agencies mean?

We generally recommend MOCO for agencies with up to 150 employees per location. MOCO is a standard software with numerous customization and integration options. Larger companies often have more complex requirements and typically prefer a software provider that offers customization and a dedicated contact person.

Different types of agencies and working methods

The following list is an attempt to categorize types of agencies. Most agencies mix projects that are offered and invoiced based on effort and fixed price. MOCO also offers monthly retainers or hourly contingents. These are standard for agencies that offer monthly support – such as an SEO agency or social media agency.

Digital Agency

Digital agencies develop digital solutions for their clients. They engage with modern technologies and processes and often act as technology partners. The services offered are closely linked to strategic consulting and can therefore often be perceived as a complete package.

Unlike traditional agencies, digital agencies were born in the digital world – which naturally includes software. They are familiar with Trello, Jira, Slack & Co and love good tools. The reality often looks like this: Depending on the client and project, different task solutions are used. Internally, everyone organizes themselves a bit differently. MOCO meets this demand and integrates common solutions under one roof. This way, no one is forced to use a single tool.

Since we at MOCO also think digitally and agilely, there is the greatest alignment in mindset with digital agencies. Digital agencies also appreciate the diverse individual integration options via API, Webhooks, Make, or Zapier.

» Integrations

Traditional Agency / Creative Agency

The owners of small and medium-sized agencies are often creatives themselves. The visual component of software is therefore very important for these agencies. Even more important is that unpleasant administrative tasks do not feel burdensome and can also be reduced. MOCO is developed to remain as simple as possible, with functionality depth gradually unfolding in a meaningful way. Proposals and invoices can be created in your own CI/CD.

Designers and agencies often work too many hours on a project and have too little transparency or traceability when it comes to invoicing. MOCO supports traceability. This way, in addition to profitability measurement, additional effort can be better and more timely justified to the client.

Agencies often evaluate software using a questionnaire. We have compiled the most important questions and answers and continuously update the list.

» Questionnaire

Event Agency

Event agencies typically manage projects with a large proportion of external services. From external service providers, freelancers to equipment. MOCO helps to estimate profitability already at the proposal stage. For the project, internal and external services can be delineated and controlled.

A liquidity planning also helps to identify potential future bottlenecks that could arise from advancing larger cost blocks.

» Preliminary costing in the proposal

» External services, cost pools

PR Agency / SEO Agency / Social Media Agency

PR, SEO, and social media agencies manage individual projects – but typically handle a high volume of retainer contracts. Here, one wants to compare the monthly budget with the performed services, especially with flat-rate monthly invoicing – and ensure that the retainer remains profitable overall.

The flat rates of the retainers can be invoiced and sent monthly with just a few clicks via mass invoicing.

» Retainers in MOCO

30 days free trial

Account ready to go immediately. No payment details required.