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Restricted Staff Access: Manage and View Only One's Own Team
If a team leader should only manage their own employees, they can be given restricted access to "Staff". Here's how it works and what the team leader can do with it:
Restricted Access
Under "Staff", access rights to individual functional areas are managed. Clicking once shows a circle with a dot (= Restricted access), clicking twice shows a full dot (= Full access).
In the example, team leader Julia has restricted access rights to "Staff" (highlighted in yellow).
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In the example, team leader Julia has restricted access rights to "Staff" (highlighted in yellow).
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Being able to see and manage one's own team means:
→ Register new people for one's own team
→ Switch to the profile of team members (» User switch)
→ Manage own team members
→ Switch to the profile of team members (» User switch)
→ Manage own team members
- Deactivate/Activate
- Assign projects for time tracking in bulk
- Check & export hours summary
- Monitor & export working hours
- Oversee & export Target-Actual
- Define target hours (weekly model with duration and target hours of employment)
- Manage vacation accounts
- Approve or delete vacation requests
- Retrieve staff report
- Retrieve team report
- Access rights cannot be changed – this requires full access to "Staff".