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Internal Contact & Options for Contact Details on Proposals and Invoices

Often, one wants to specify a direct contact on an invoice or proposal in addition to the general letterhead sender contact information. To prevent the information block from becoming too extensive and because an email address can be very long, we recommend listing the contact information in the closing text ("For any inquiries ..."). Exception: In Layout 3, the second column of the information block has plenty of space. Regarding the automation of contact information on documents, there are the following great new features:

Choice of internal contact on Proposal/Invoice.

At the top right of the contact information, the contact can now also be adjusted. By default, the project or lead responsible person was used.
Interner Kontakt zu Angebot und RechnungEnglish image not yet available...

Contact also on the cross-project Invoice
Even with collective invoices for the customer and individual invoices, a contact can be selected at the top.

Email & Phone number in the information block
The email and phone number of the chosen internal contact can now be displayed in the information block with or without the name. The phone number alone is not offered because it is not always provided.

Display on the PDF
If the display is activated in the settings, the contact will be shown on the PDF.

Part of the Export
In the Excel export, the internal contact is included as a column.

New Variables for Contact Details

The selected internal contact determines the new variables, which can now be selected directly by typing an opening curly brace "{"

  • Internal Contact = First Name Last Name
  • Internal Contact Email = Email
  • Internal Contact Name, Email, Tel. = First Name Last Name, Email, Phone Number (if available) listed one after another

There is also an additional variable for the creator and current user
  • Creator Name, Email, Tel.
  • User Name, Email, Tel.
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