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XInvoices with MOCO (EN).

XInvoices to public contractors
The XInvoice represents invoice contents – instead of on paper or in an image file such as PDF – in a structured, machine-readable XML dataset. This facilitates automatic processing.

Since the end of 2020, invoices in Germany to federal contractors with an amount over 1000 EUR must be submitted digitally in the new eInvoice format XInvoice to the 'Central Invoice Receipt Platform' of the federal government (ZRE).

XRechnungen mit MOCOEnglish image not yet available...

Have MOCO create XInvoice
1. Activate option in the settings (Invoicing > XInvoice).
2. Activate XInvoice for relevant customers (checkbox in the form under "Additional options").
3. Add relevant information in the customer tab "XInvoice".
4. With each invoice, a new button "XInvoice" will be displayed at the top right. Download the XInvoice via this button and send it via your own mail client.
Xrechnung erstellen AgentursoftwareEnglish image not yet available...

Enter any project-related order numbers during download in the query. It is best to enter the number in advance on the invoicing page under "Invoicing information" so that it is available later.

For the generation of the XInvoice, we have integrated the generation via the service provider Faktoora – specialist for electronic invoices. Until the end of August 2021, the option can be used free of charge in a public beta phase – thereafter, costs are to be passed on and a chargeable booking in MOCO is necessary.

Update 26.08.21: Too few XInvoices were generated as a basis for assessing a pricing model. In coordination with Faktoora, the beta phase has therefore been extended until the end of January 2022.

Update 03.01.22: Unfortunately, the demand for XInvoices is still hardly present – the necessary individual price for passing on our costs would currently be too high per invoice. Therefore, we are providing the function free of charge for the time being and postponing the decision by another 1/2 year.

Update 31.6.22: All users have been informed that the generation of the XInvoice is still possible in MOCO. From 01.01.23, an account must be created directly with Faktoora (chargeable) as a prerequisite for using the function. Invoicing and support are handled directly through Faktoora.

E-Invoice, XInvoice, ZUGFeRD? We explain here in more detail what distinguishes the terms.
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