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Partial Invoices from Proposals: Quickly Created & Optimally Traceable.

Previously, to invoice individual items, the proposal had to be selected for invoicing multiple times and the unnecessary items then removed. MOCO has significantly simplified this invoicing process. Now you can create partial invoices not only faster – but you also always have an overview of how much of the proposal is still outstanding and which invoices have been created for the proposal.

Partial Invoice Created Faster

Select Proposal
Assigned, open proposals are available for selection in the invoicing box. The selection is now offered via the blue link (1) and no longer via the small arrow (dropdown at the top right), as this was sometimes overlooked.
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Select Items in the Modal
When invoicing the proposal (2), the entire proposal can be invoiced – or alternatively only selected items if a partial invoice is desired (3). Optional items are not selected by default. If only individual items are invoiced, the proposal automatically receives the status "Partially Invoiced".

Through "Already Invoiced" (4) the proposal can also be set directly to "Invoiced", if the invoice has already been made elsewhere.

Also for the Customer
Also for the customer, all open proposals for invoicing are offered under "Invoicing". 

Optimal Traceability

The remaining amount is displayed directly in the invoicing box (1). Through the blue link "Select Proposals", the created invoices can also be traced again. On the proposal page, the created partial invoices are listed and linked (2). Likewise, in the central proposal list, the invoiced amounts are listed directly with the proposal.

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Flexibility in Proposal/Invoicing Management

With the latest developments, the proposals are now independent and can easily be moved from project to project to invoice different parts in different projects. Created invoices from proposals can also be moved to other projects at any time.

If you want to invoice a proposal again: reset the status of the proposal or display the items again in the modal via the offered link. However, to create an identical invoice to the predecessor invoice, a copy of the previous invoice is still the first choice.


Partial Invoice versus Advance and Final Invoice
A partial invoice should not be confused with an advance invoice. Partial invoices refer to services already rendered and stand alone. An advance invoice bills a percentage or fixed amount in advance. Advance invoices always require a final invoice, which deducts the corresponding advance invoices. Partial invoices do not require such a final invoice.

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