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New Reports on Time Tracking

The new reports under "Reports" > "Time Tracking" consist of three parts: An overall summary, the previous monthly overview, and a new report on working time tracking.


Berichte zur Zeiterfassung März 2022English image not yet available...

This is derived from the company report and contains the following additional information: 
  • Total hours worked, proportion of billable and non-billable hours compared to planned hours.
  • Fluctuations in billability over the year.

Project Time

Bericht Zeiterfassung ProjektzeitEnglish image not yet available...

Corresponds to the previous report. With a short summary of hours (1) and weekly Target-Actual (2).

Working Time

Arbeitszeiterfassung Bericht PersonalEnglish image not yet available...

This part is completely new and interesting for companies that additionally use working time tracking
  • Overview/Control: It allows for a quick overview of who has entered working hours
  • For which person there are deviations from project time. Ideally, working time matches project time – meaning one distributes the working hours across the projects. This is the best way to determine how non-billable hours are distributed and to uncover potential for optimization.
  • Export: At the top right, there is an Excel export for the recorded working hours per month and per year.

Target-Actual Comparison
Depending on whether regular time tracking (project times are fully recorded) or working time tracking is set as the basis for the Target-Actual comparison, the Target-Actual progress bar is displayed in the report "Project Time" or "Working Time".
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