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Upgrade Approval Process for Incoming Invoices.

Previously, a release request was made individually and manually. With the new setting, the approval request can be automated for certain amounts.

Automatic Approval Request

The new setting (Settings > Expenditures) is MOCO-simple: You define the person (1) and the amount (2). For newly created expenditures that exceed the amount (net), an approval is then automatically requested from this person.

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Depending on the workflow, the option can be used differently:
  • Only unusually large expenditures should not "slip through". For this, the limit is set correspondingly high (corresponds to the current default setting in MOCO. This is initially set at 100k).
  • All expenditures must be approved. For this, set the value to zero.
  • No expenditures need to be approved. In this case, the value should be set so high that the automation never takes effect in practice.

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