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Financial Reports: The New Overview (Invoices vs. Expenditures)

The financial report "Overview (Beta)" is now the definitive overview. The old report will be discontinued. Here, we explain what this means in detail.

Financial Report Forecast Revenues Invoices Expenditures

New Data in the Overview

Planned Expenditures from Projects

Planned project expenditures are now included in the report – and also in the "Cashflow" report.
Learn more about planning expenditures

Planned Hours

Planned hours for projects with the invoicing type "time & material" are now also included in this report, and you can filter directly by this category (1) – similar to the "Cashflow" report.

The revenue forecast for time & material projects is currently done through planning. Planned hours were previously shown in the old report – and are now included in the new report as well.

Calculation: All planned hours from tomorrow onwards are summed per month and project in the financial reports: Net under Invoices/Expenditures with the invoicing date as the last day of the month – gross in the "Cashflow" report considering the client's payment terms. The sum is calculated using the "Uniform" hourly rate, the "Hourly rate per person," or the "Hourly rate per service" based on the average of all services (as the service cannot be directly derived from the planning – but this will likely change soon).

Using the "Hours" category filter, you can narrow down the results (1). The project name links directly to the planning for the corresponding month – allowing you to track or adjust the planned hours.
Learn more about planning

Export Billable Project/Month

The export feature, previously found in the old overview, is now also available in the new report (2).

Compact Key Figures  

The figures have been updated to be more prominent: They provide an overall view of the year – with the share of planned amounts displayed below. Under the "i" you will find the corresponding detailed information (3)

Other Optimizations

  • Invoice Status Overview Removed
    The invoice statuses have been removed under the "i" in favor of focusing on the report. Accounts receivable management happens under "Invoicing" > "Invoices". You can also quickly filter for outstanding payments under "Cashflow".
  • Optimized Categories
    You can filter individual categories specifically using the category filter. The category names have been optimized (dropdown, listing, and export).
  • Minor optimizations regarding colors, spacing, and column widths


  • Previous tiles "Expenditures by Supplier" and "Invoiced by Client" can be displayed in the overview if needed (settings in the top right).
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