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Comprehensive Reports

Overview (Dashboard) | Finance: Overview | Finance: Cash Flow & Liquidity Planning | Clients | Projects | Planning | Time Tracking | Staff | Leads

Overview (Dashboard)

Location: Reports > Overview (or click on the company logo at the top left)

To access the overview, a user still needs full access.

Unternehmenszahlen Bericht in der Business Software MOCO English image not yet available...

These tiles are displayed by default

  • Cashflow & Liquidity Planning: Recorded and planned income and expenditures Click for detailed financial reports
  • Hours: Planned and recorded project hours. Additionally, recorded absences are displayed.
  • Total Invoiced: Sum of created invoices
    Click for the filterable invoice list
  • Billable: Planned and currently billable services
  • Work at Hand: Indicates what still needs to be done. "How many sold hours have not yet been performed" (sum of project budgets minus proportional additional service budgets and already recorded hours). This information spans across years.
  • Billability: Billable hours in relation to target hours (From the employer's perspective: All absences are considered except for illness – which negatively impacts).

Customize Dashboard

Einstellungen Dashboard ERP Agentursoftware MOCOEnglish image not yet available...

Additional selectable tiles

  • Weighted Volume of Leads: Tile from the lead report. Shows the volume calculated based on probabilities in the sales pipeline and informs about the unweighted volume below.
  • Closed Leads: Compact info on Leads > Closed. Indicates the volume closed in the year. The closing date counts.
  • Monthly Lead Volume: Monthly forecast of lead volume. Display as under "Leads" but only for the relevant year.
Time Tracking
  • Proportion of Billable Hours: Summarizes the report under Reports > Time Tracking > Project Time. Indicates how many billable project hours were recorded compared to total hours.
  • Working Time Irregularities
    Have you activated the display for irregularities in time tracking? Through the display of irregularities, you can better control via a visual display for the recorder and in the overall report whether there are deviations from legal requirements. If an employee records times on an absence day, this is also indicated. More on irregularities
  • Invoiced by Client: Existing tile from Finance > Overview, which will be phased out there in the long term. Shows the 4 clients with the largest invoice amounts. Helps identify potential concentration risk.
  • Payment Receipt: Tile from the invoicing report. Shows monthly payment receipts. Links to the cash flow report, which breaks down the payments.
  • Invoiced & Billable: Tile from the invoicing report. Shows created invoices and how many of them are paid and unpaid.
  • Expenditures: Tile from the expenditures report. Shows recorded and open expenditures monthly. Also planned expenditures.
  • Total Expenditures: Tile from the expenditures report. Recorded expenditures and how many of them are unpaid.
  • Expenditures by Supplier: Existing tile under Finance > Overview, which will be phased out there in the long term. Shows the 4 suppliers with the largest expenditure amounts.
  • Payment Outflow: Tile from the expenditures report. Shows monthly payment outflows. Links to the cash flow report, which breaks down the payments.
  • Expenditures to be Transferred: Sum of expenditures still to be transferred (approved personal expenses and recorded incoming invoices).
  • Remaining Expenditure Budgets: Control of recorded expenditure budgets. The four pots with the largest volume are displayed, and all other budgets are summarized under "Others".
  • Open Leave Requests: Shows open leave requests – and how many of them are addressed to you. By clicking on the number, you can go directly to the list and check the approval.
  • Next Approved Leave Requests: Shows current and upcoming leaves (from leave requests).
  • Upcoming Birthdays
    Shows recorded birthdays. By clicking on the title, you can access the entire birthday list in MOCO.
    Whether you record birthdays in MOCO for personnel and contacts is up to you (relevant to GDPR).

Finance: Overview

Location: Reports > Finance > Overview

Expenditures are compared to invoices. By breaking down the items (1), you can, for example, call up missed planned invoicing or forecast revenues for a client.

MOCO Finanzbericht: Rechnungen und AusgabenEnglish image not yet available...


Green: All invoices net at the invoice date from status Created to Paid.
Gray:  Currently billable items and planned income

Invoices, Billable Items, and Planned

Filterable via "Categories". All amounts are net
  • Invoices (at the invoice date)
  • Invoices – Drafts (draft date or if in the past: today)
  • Hours (Billable hours from projects by effort > end of month)
  • Additional Services (Billable additional services > end of month)
  • Planned Income (Planned invoicing > reference date + planned hours >  end of month ) How to plan income


Pink: Recorded expenditures (incoming invoices, approved personal expenses, and fixed costs net)
Gray: Planned expenditures (general expenditures, planned project expenditures, and future fixed costs – if expenditure planning is activated)

Expenditures and Planned

Filterable via "Categories". All amounts are net
  • Expenditures (at the invoice date)
  • Planned Expenditures (at the planned date) How to plan expenditures
  • Fixed Costs (at the reference date)

Tips & Info

  • All Net If you have entered a tax rate for fixed costs, the net amount is considered in this report (otherwise gross)
  • Filtering by Click in the chart (main numbers, month number, bar) or via categories, period, etc. (1)
  • i for Detailed Info (3)
  • Targeted Export of the filtering (2)
  • Export of billable items per project and month (2)
  • Billable items in the past are set to the current day and carried forward – assuming they will be invoiced soon. If invoicing is not possible, open items should be marked as already invoiced or invoicing plans should be checked off.

Additional Reports

Invoices & Their Status
Location:  Expenditures > Report
More info on the report under "Invoicing"

Expenditures & Expenditure Budgets
Location:  Expenditures > Report & Budgets
More info on the report under "Expenditures"

Finance: Cash Flow & Liquidity Planning

Location: Reports > Finance > Cash Flow

The "Cash Flow" report shows all completed and planned payments. The amounts are gross (including tax).

Finanzberichte Cashflow Liquiditätsplanung ZahlungenEnglish image not yet available...

Cashflow Liste – Tool Software für DienstleisterEnglish image not yet available...


Filterable via "Categories". All amounts are gross (including VAT)

Received + Expected Income

  • Payments (All recorded payments – see also Invoicing > Payments)
  • Invoices (open) (Payable by)
  • Invoices – Drafts (Draft date or if in the past: today + payment term)
  • Hours (Billable hours from projects based on effort > end of month + payment term)
  • Additional services (Billable additional services > end of month + payment term)
  • Planned Income: Planned invoicing from fixed-price projects & monthly budget projects > date + payment term + planned hours from projects based on effort > end of month + payment term)


Filterable via "Categories". All amounts are gross (including VAT)

Completed + Expected Expenditures

  • Payments (All recorded payments – see also Expenditures > Payments)
  • Expenditures (open) (Payable by date)
  • Planned Expenditures (Planned date + payment term)
  • Fixed Costs (On the recorded due date)

Tips & Info

  • Interactive: Use your mouse to select a particularly interesting or suspicious period in the graph by dragging. The selected area turns blue (see image above). The list displayed below then breaks down exactly this period.
  • Column sorting ascending and descending by clicking on the column title.
  • "Days past due" (2) indicates how far the payment term and actual payment differ. This is particularly helpful for paid invoices (client payment behavior) and open invoices.
  • Export: The filtered view can be easily exported in Excel format.
  • To start with a specific amount, record a payment without an invoice under "Invoicing" > "Payments" > top right "+".
  • To add invoicing plans in projects, use the Smart Filter "Without invoicing plan" in the project list.
  • Record missing fixed costs and, if necessary, re-enter the due date/tax rate.
  • Automatic payment recording via bank connection or CAMT
  • If you do not (yet) record incoming invoices in MOCO, you can record the sum of (actual and planned) account outflows under "fixed costs" to still assess your cash flow.

Note: No payments, no cash flow


Location: Reports > Clients
Revenues, Effective Hourly Rate & Profitability 
Bericht Rentabilität KundenEnglish image not yet available...

  • Using the Filter (1), you can filter by labels, client managers, and exact time periods.
  • The global figure shows the total invoiced amount. Further global figures are displayed under the "i" (2).
  • All columns (3) can be sorted in ascending or descending order, and where appropriate, the figures are linked.
  • At the top right, additional individual evaluations can be carried out via the Export (4) if necessary.


Location: Reports > Projects
Project Profitability 
Projekt-RentabilitaetEnglish image not yet available...

Project profitability shows how much a project is in the black or red when considering current costs. The filter (1) and sorting options (2) allow for different perspectives.

Entire Period or Delimited

By default, the project is viewed as a whole – but it can alternatively be delimited to the exact day using the filter. If the project has not yet been fully invoiced, the budget amount is used as a comparison value for the entire period. This preset can also be disabled, so that only the actual invoiced amount is considered.
  • The columns are sortable (1)
  • The filter area offers various filter options: e.g., labels, invoicing type, project management (1).
  • Additional values can be retrieved (even after filtering) via the "i" below the total profitability (4).
  • Excel export at the top right offers further evaluation options (3).
To make effective use of the two profitability reports (projects and clients)
  • enter internal hourly rates in the settings (Settings > Account > Internal Hourly Rates). If the internal hourly rates are incomplete, the person icon will turn red – including hover info.
  • record costs for additional services or assign expenditures


Location: Reports > Planning
Annual overview of utilization & capacities per team and person
Auslastung Kapazitäten PersonalEnglish image not yet available...

Display directly in the planning
Directly in the planning, it is displayed per week and employee how many hours are still unplanned or overplanned.
If the employee is well planned, the number is only shown on mouseover (1). If less than 80% or more than 120% of the weekly target of an employee is planned, the information is displayed directly in the planning (black number: underload – red number: overload).

Display for the utilization/capacity of the whole year across all employees
Under "Reports" > "Planning", MOCO shows
  • What percentage the team is planned for the month (2)
  • How many capacities (remaining hours per team (3) and person) are left per month 
Further evaluations are possible via the Excel export at the top right.

Time Tracking

Location: Reports > Time Tracking
Overview, Project Time, Working Time


Bericht zur Zeiterfassung pro Person, Tag und MonatEnglish image not yet available...

Hours (1)
Total hours worked, monthly, billable, non-billable, vs. planned hours, vs. Target-Actual (when filtered by employee).
Billability (2) 
Billability across the entire company total and monthly (recorded billable hours in relation to the target). An analogous evaluation is available in the team report and personal report.
Services for customer and internal projects: Distribution of recorded hours across services.

Project Time

Bericht Zeiterfassung ProjektzeitEnglish image not yet available...
The overview of time tracking across all employees
A click on a monthly bar in the company report "Hours"  leads directly to this report.

Ratio of billable and non-billable hours
The striking representation of recorded billable and non-billable hours shows how they relate to each other and develop – per person and across the team.

Details per day
Clicking on a day provides a view of an hours extract (1).

Weekly Target-Actual Comparison
Below each week, the progress bar is displayed, which is also available for each employee in time tracking. It indicates whether the target for the week has been reached or not. This allows for a quicker assessment of whether all hours have been recorded.
Grey = Target not met.
Blue = Target met or exceeded.
On mouseover, the detailed information is displayed (2).

Global hours export per month and year
At the top right, there is an Excel export for your own evaluations.

Working Time

Overview of recorded working time per month, day, person. Displayed when at least one person has working time tracking activated.
Clicking on the day (1) provides access to the details (2).

Arbeitszeiterfassung Bericht PersonalEnglish image not yet available...

Global Export (Excel) of working times
(Excel) per month and year: top right (3).

If the settings are chosen so that the Target-Actual comparison should be calculated based on working time, this report will display the progress bar.


Location: Reports > Staff

Target-Actual & Billability

Target-Actual per person and month, total balance
Billability per person and year
Export top right with extensive content


Vacation days per person and month, total balance
Sick days per person and year
Export top right 


Filterable and sortable list per person and month, total balance
All types of absences per day with comments traceable
Export (pre-filterable) top right 

Personalbericht: Abwesenheiten und Soll-Ist aller MitarbeiterEnglish image not yet available...


Location: Acquisition > Leads > Report
Report on future revenue in the pipeline and sales activities.

Lead volume total and weighted
Acquisition stages Presented as a sales funnel with the respective volumes
Completed Leads Won vs. lost or canceled
Activities provides compact information about the latest sales activities.
Sales Bericht AgentursoftwareEnglish image not yet available...

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