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Proposals: Confidently in Your CI.

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You can create proposals in MOCO easily and quickly. Whether for a company, a lead, or a project, you can generate a proposal, convert it into a project, or assign it later. All open proposals are centrally viewable and filterable.

  •  Create proposals in your CI and invoice them later
  •  Predefine items, sections, or entire checklists and insert them as needed
  •  Create a project from a proposal – or from a lead – or assign the proposal later
  • Cost calculation – if needed

🎥  VIDEO Tutorials

Angebote erstellen mit MOCO
Angebote erstellen mit ERP Agentursoftware
Angebotskalkulation starten
Angebotsbestätigung bzw. Auftragserteilung  in MOCO
Übersicht Angebote in MOCO
30 days free trial

Account ready to go immediately. No payment details required.