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Draft & Approval | Managing Open Invoices | Email Dispatch, Printing | Paid & Ignored | Bank Reconciliation | Marking & Categorizing

Draft & Approval

If you select "Save as Draft" instead of "Create" for the invoice, you can prepare invoices without assigning an invoice number yet.

Revenue Forecast:
Draft invoices are considered planned income in the financial reports

Rechnungsentwurf erstellen English image not yet available...

Drafts are listed in the Smart Filter "Drafts" (2). If you also want to filter by drafts, activate the corresponding status symbol in the filter (3).


  • The "Draft" status can be used to map an internal approval process. 
  • Alternatively, specific invoices can be temporarily marked using labels – making them easy to filter.
  • Employees can also be notified about an invoice.

Mass Invoice Creation

Invoices can be created as drafts using the bulk action – and then reviewed under "Invoicing" > "Drafts" and created with a single click (top left on the invoice page: 4).
Schnelloption Rechnung aus Entwurf erstellenEnglish image not yet available...

Managing Open Invoices

All invoices are listed under "Invoices" (1).
The default filter excludes drafts and ignored invoices. However, you can further filter individually in the filter area (2) . You can find a simple export option at the top right (3).
» All information about the export and the accounting exports

Debitorenliste Rechnungen verwaltenEnglish image not yet available...

Open Invoices

Open invoices can be quickly and specifically displayed using the "Smart Filters" :
Offene Rechnungen DebitorenEnglish image not yet available...

An invoice can initially be saved as a draft. No invoice number is assigned yet.

If you choose "Create" when saving an invoice, an invoice number is assigned immediately. Subsequent changes can be tracked via the change log (below the invoice view).

Invoices sent by email are automatically set to "Sent". If the invoice is sent by mail, adjust the status manually.

Once invoices have been sent, MOCO checks daily if an invoice is overdue. The invoice is then categorized as "Overdue". If set up, the invoicer receives a notification.

Partially Paid
If the recorded payment does not match the invoice amount, MOCO offers the option "Partially Paid". Further payments can be recorded at any time.

For invoices where payments differ due to discount, the status "Paid" is the correct choice. The discrepancies are handled accordingly in accounting.

Email Dispatch, Printing

After saving, the document is displayed with the deposited standard letterhead and can be downloaded as a PDF or sent. For dispatch or printing, an alternative letterhead can be selected from the dropdown on the right.

Send documents via MOCO or connect your own mail server.

Send Individually

Invoices can be sent directly via the detail view using the "Email" button. If you send individual invoices by mail, manually set the invoice status to "Sent". Only in this status is the overdue status checked.

Bulk Dispatch

With bulk dispatch, several invoices can be sent at once:
1. Go to "Invoicing" and select the Smart Filter "Created"
2. Select all or individual invoices
3. Click on "Continue" at the bottom right
4. Check dispatch information (Icon Tooltip with Info > Customize > Update)
5. Confirm dispatch
Massenversand Rechnungen AuswahlEnglish image not yet available...
Massenversand, automatisch Rechnungen versendenEnglish image not yet available...

Be Well Prepared
To optimally prepare for bulk dispatch, check the following:
  • Formulate the standard email text as neutrally as possible (Settings > Invoicing > Invoices)
  • If you use the variable "Salutation line" in the standard email text: Adjust the standard salutation if necessary (Settings > Layout > Labels): When setting a contact in the project invoicing information or directly when creating the invoice, the salutation line specified for the contact is preferred.


Under "Print view", you can select an alternative uploaded letterhead. With the selection "white", the proposal can also be printed on pre-printed letterhead.

Paid & Ignored

Status "Paid"

An invoice is considered paid when the payment (amount + date) has been recorded for the invoice.

Status "Ignored"

The "Ignored" status is intended for invoices that will not be paid but should not remain open. This status can also be assigned manually. An invoice will automatically be set to "Ignored" if it is canceled and no payment has been made. Similarly, the cancellation invoice will be set to ignored.

In accounts receivable management, these invoices are no longer relevant and are therefore excluded from standard filtering.

When preparatory accounting is enabled, they are included in the accounting export. They can also be exported separately and not transferred if needed.

Record Payment Manually

Payments are recorded under "Invoicing" > "Payments". Alternatively, the payment can be recorded directly in the invoice view at the top right via the "+ Payment" button (see image).

Search invoices by reference number:
You can search for the reference number (QR invoices/ESR) in MOCO (Shift +7 – or under "Invoicing" in the filter under "More Options"). 

Rechnungen verwalten – Status Teilweise bezahltEnglish image not yet available...

Batch Payment / Mark Multiple Invoices as "Paid"

Select all or specific invoices, then choose the action "Record Payment".
Sammelzahlung Rechnungen bzw. mehrere Rechnungen auf bezahlt setzenEnglish image not yet available...

Bank Reconciliation

About Camt-File

Zahlungsabgleich via camt Datei der BankEnglish image not yet available...

Upload Camt File
Under "Payments" at the top right, the camt file (camt.052, camt.053, and camt.054 file) from the bank can be uploaded for automatic payment reconciliation.

For automatically captured payments, the purpose of use is displayed via an "i" icon – supporting traceability.

Matching via ESR, Invoice Number, QR Code Reference
For Swiss accounts, the reference number is used for identification.
For all other accounts, the invoice number must be included in the purpose of use so that the payment can be assigned to the invoice. If the QR code for invoices is activated, the reconciliation can also be ensured via the reference.

Significantly Differing Amount
When reconciling payments via CAMT, MOCO actively points out if the gross invoice amount and payment amount differ too much in a match. Assuming it is a partial payment, MOCO suggests "Partially Paid" as the status. As a user, this can easily be changed to "Paid".

Direct Bank Connection

You can also reconcile your payment receipts directly via the bank connection.

Scope of Version 1
  • Limitation to German and Austrian accounts (reconciliation via finAPI)
  • Connecting a bank with one or more accounts
  • Payment receipts (no payment outflows)
Connect Bank
In the settings, you connect your bank and select the accounts.

Automatic Reconciliation Four Times Daily
The automatic payment reconciliation takes place with an active bank connection and at least one selected account four times a day. You can get an overview of all payments under "Invoicing" > "Payments".

Purpose of Use Crucial for Successful Payment Reconciliation
For a payment to be assigned to the corresponding invoice, the invoice number or the purpose of use must match. For automatically captured payments, this purpose of use is displayed via an "i" icon – supporting traceability.

Assign Payments Afterwards
If you choose in the settings that all payments should be fetched, MOCO also captures the payments that cannot be assigned to an invoice. These are listed under "Invoicing" > "Payments" and can be assigned to invoices afterwards if necessary:

Zahlung nachträglich einer Rechnung zuweisenEnglish image not yet available...

Other Revenues

Payments that do not belong to a MOCO outgoing invoice can be left as is to reflect the actual cash flow. Payments can also be recorded individually at any time.

Marking & Categorizing


Labels can be used to categorize invoices or mark them on a short-term basis. These labels are also part of the Excel export, allowing for further custom evaluations.
» More about Labels

Custom Fields

Document information can be extended by Custom Fields (visible or invisible in the PDF). They are part of the export and Accounting Export "Neutral (CSV)".

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