MOCO + Calendar (Planning)
Synchronize Planning and Absences
Every user can view their planning or absences in the calendar (iCal, Google Calendar, etc.) even without access rights to "Planning."
Benefits of Integration
Absences of all individuals can be displayed in the external calendar
- You can define which additional absences should be displayed in the calendar in the settings under "Planning".
- Planned projects and absences are shown as all-day events
- Your own absences can optionally be synced as appointment blockers
Set Up Connection
1. Go to "External Calendar" under "Profile" in the top right
2. There, you will find the URL that you can add to your calendar.
3. Add the MOCO calendar URL to your calendar (= subscribe)
2. There, you will find the URL that you can add to your calendar.
3. Add the MOCO calendar URL to your calendar (= subscribe)