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Quick Wins: Absence Sync, Autofocus, Automatic Line Break in Position Descriptions, etc.

Sync of External Absences
For the synchronization of absences recorded in MOCO with an external calendar (such as Google Calendar), it is now possible to optionally include external personnel. The relevant setting can be found in the settings under "Planning" (1).

Accounting Settings Simplified
Despite the reduction of accounting settings (you can now choose the recorded account or customer numbers as a standard – 2), the previous options remain available. However, an additional tab for account management in the respective accounting area (Expenses/Invoices) is now always displayed. This allows for individualization of debtors and creditors.

Externe auch im Kalender anzeigen, Buchhaltungseinstellung vereinfacht, Abmelden an neuem OrtEnglish image not yet available...

Autofocus in Proposals and Invoices
When adding new positions, you can now start typing directly without clicking.

Automatic Line Break for Position Descriptions in Proposals and Invoices
It was also always annoying that there was no automatic line break for long description elements. Now that works too!

Logout Option Moved
Logging out is now directly in the profile menu (3). This option is rarely needed and we are making room for the upcoming MOCO Inbox, which will replace the info emails.

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