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Forecast Expenditures Part 3: Planned Expenditures from Projects.


Planned expenditures for projects (external costs, personal expenses) can be directly planned by the project manager – for financial forecasting and efficient allocation of incoming invoices. 

How to Plan Project Expenditures

Prerequisite: "Planned Expenditures" must be activated  (Settings > Expenditures > Planned).

External costs are represented by additional services in the project. These can be transferred from the proposal to the project – and used as planned expenditures for forecasting and allocation after commissioning.

1. Enter Date and Amount for the Planned Expenditure in the Additional Service

If expenditure allocation is active, enter the date and planned costs under "Planned Expenditure". If the planned costs are 0, the additional service will be offered for allocation as usual and will not be considered in the forecast.

Plan External Costs in the MOCO ERP Agency Software

2. The Project Expenditure is Now Planned

This planned project expenditure will now be considered accordingly in the forecast and allocation.

Note: Attaching a receipt when editing the additional service and changing the responsible person has been hidden under "More Options" as these details are rarely changed. 

Tip to Get Started: 
Declare Already Created Additional Services as Planned Expenditures

In the overall list of additional services (Projects > Additional Services), you can see via the orange icon whether expenditure allocation is active or not. If it is active and no progress bar is visible under the costs, edit the additional service and define the planned expenditure with date and amount.

Allocate Expenditures (Incoming Invoices and Personal Expenses) and Complete Planned Expenditure

1. Match Planned Expenditures

Incoming invoices (or selected items from them) are matched with planned expenditures via the Link Icon (1) – and directly allocated to the additional service. 

2. Allocate 

With the allocation confirmation, you can choose (2) whether the allocation is thereby completed.
a) "Allocate & Complete" sets the expenditure allocation for the additional service to inactive and removes it from the forecast.
b) Only "Allocate" keeps the planned expenditure with the remaining amount for further allocations.

Plan and allocate external costs in the ERP agency software MOCO

Use Smart Filter

If not all items of an expenditure are allocated, the Smart Filter "Without Allocation" (3) will notify you. With a click on it, you can quickly complete the allocation if needed before moving the completed expenditures to the archive.

Continue to Allocate Projects Without Planning

When allocating, the "Project" selection still offers the option to allocate costs to projects without planning.

Tip for Faster Allocation

After the client confirms a proposal and the project is created, the supplier is usually commissioned. Directly specify the project number when commissioning – so that it can be indicated in the invoice title or as the order number. This is then "the PO" (purchase order or order number) so that the allocation can happen even faster. In this context, we naturally have many further development ideas ... :)

Overviews & Reports

All Planned Project Expenditures at a Glance

Under Expenditures > Planned, you can always see which expenditures from projects are still planned (1). To filter only by these in the planning, select the "Additional Services" type (2) in the filter (F).

Planned Project Expenditures ERP Agency Software MOCO

Planned Date Easily Adjustable
You can also directly adjust the date in the list with a click – for example, if a supplier invoice is delayed.

Also Complete Planned Expenditures Here
If all incoming invoices for the planned project expenditure are allocated, you can complete them (right dropdown "Complete"). The expenditure allocation will automatically be set to inactive.

Forecast in Financial Reports

In the financial reports under Reports > Finances, the planned project expenditures are also considered. This way, the corresponding costs can be considered alongside the revenues from additional services.
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