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Finance Accounting

MOCO + Pliant

Automatic capture of expenditure receipts and payments via company credit cards.

Pliant is a provider of physical and virtual company credit cards. The integration automatically synchronizes credit card payments and receipts with MOCO. This allows you to simplify and make the management of business expenditures more efficient. 

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Benefits of the Credit Card Integration

Automatic capture of all credit card payments

Reconciling the credit card invoice is no longer necessary, as transactions from Pliant are synchronized with MOCO as expenditure payments. Pending transactions in Pliant are displayed under "Drafts" and linked to Pliant.

Kreditkartenzahlungen synchronisieren Pliant und ERP MOCOEnglish image not yet available...

Automatic capture of all credit card receipts in MOCO

MOCO directly creates expenditure drafts with receipts from Pliant. The cardholder is identified by MOCO, ensuring correct assignment. If text recognition (OCR) is enabled, the receipts are also read out.  

If the receipt is captured later in Pliant, it will be synchronized retroactively. If the receipt is still missing, MOCO will still create an expenditure draft with a note indicating that the receipt is missing.

We recommend always capturing receipts via Pliant. Pliant also offers an incoming email address for each credit card. The receipts are then automatically assigned to the payment.

Supplementary synchronization to Pliant

Supplementary synchronization of receipts to Pliant takes place. This significantly reduces administrative effort, simplifies receipt tracking, and ensures that both systems are always up to date.  

Synchronization from MOCO to Pliant occurs when
  • A receipt is added to a draft created from a Pliant transaction in MOCO
  • A payment from Pliant is assigned to an already captured receipt in MOCO

Real-time view in the cash flow report

Since payments are captured directly after approval from Pliant, they flow promptly into the cash flow report, and you can also see the payment in the Dashboard tile "Outgoing Payments".

Note for Accounting: Accounting is disabled in Pliant as preparatory accounting is done via MOCO. Accounting in MOCO.


Minimum card turnover: 5000 EUR/CHF (as of May 2024).

Set up the connection

Activate in settings
The integration is maintained by MOCO and offered free of charge or within the subscription.
30 days free trial

Account ready to go immediately. No payment details required.