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Evaluation & Report

Won and Lost Leads | Report | Exports

Won and Lost Leads

Acquisition > Leads > Completed

All completed leads can be filtered and evaluated
Under "Completed" (1) all won, lost, and cancelled leads are listed.
The filter options allow for individual filtering (3) and export (4).

Completion Date
The completed leads are listed by completion date (2). If necessary, the completion date can be adjusted via "Edit" in the form.
Akquise – abgeschlossende Leads auswertenEnglish image not yet available...


Acquisition > Leads > Report
Report on future revenue in the pipeline and sales activities.

Lead volume total and weighted
Acquisition stages represented as a Sales-Funnel with the respective volumes
Completed Leads Won vs. lost or cancelled
Activities compactly informs about the latest sales activities.
Akquise Reporting Leadfunnel SalesfunnelEnglish image not yet available...

Monthly revenue forecast from the current pipeline
How the weighted lead volume of active leads is distributed over the coming 18 months is displayed under "Leads".


In addition to the export mentioned above under "Completed", there is also the possibility to export all active leads under "Leads" for further evaluations.

Labels and Custom Fields are always also part of the exports.

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