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The User Profile

Personal Menu | Switch to Another User

Personal Menu

A click on the profile picture in the top right leads to the profile section.

Your Profile in MOCO

Profile: Personal profile settings (email, password, address, language, etc.), notification settings, predefined working hours, personal keys for integrations, etc.
Projects: Overview of assigned projects for time tracking
Personal expenses: Only displayed if the personal expenses feature is enabled.
Target-Actual: Mirrored page from "Personal" without editing function
Vacation: Mirrored page from "Personal". The place where the vacation request (activatable) is submitted.
Report: A comprehensive report on oneself similar to the one under "Personal"
Logout: Log out from the account or another profile.


Depending on the situation, icons are displayed to the left of the profile picture.
Speech bubble: Messages section
Red bell: Appears when MOCO informs about updates.
Globe: If a user is registered with the same email address in multiple accounts, they can easily switch between accounts using this icon.

Switch to Another User

With access rights to 'Personnel', you can switch to another user's MOCO account. Simply go to the personnel list on the right and select 'Switch User' from the dropdown menu next to the target user. Click on the orange notification bar or 'Log Out' to automatically return to your own user profile.

This feature is useful, for example, when setting up access rights, allowing you to see exactly what the user will see.

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For security reasons, you cannot switch to the account of the account owner. Switching to accounts with higher privileges is also not possible for security reasons.

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