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Personal expenses

How it works | Capture | Personal Expenses Invoicing | Approve, Payout | Project Assignment

How it works


The employee records their expenses (personal expenses, travel costs, and flat rates), submits their expense report, and addresses it to the supervisor. The notified person checks the receipts and approves or rejects them. Upon approval, a company expenditure is created from the expense report. Items can be assigned to projects. The amount can be paid out via a transfer order. The employee is always informed through their profile about which expense reports have already been paid.

Activate function & access rights

Accounts that want to record their personal expenses via MOCO activate the function in the settings. Persons who are to manage the expense reports additionally need full or restricted access rights to "expenditures".

Then you're ready to go:

Spesen Reisekosten über die Mobile App erfassenEnglish image not yet available...


Receipts, expenses, travel costs, or flat rates can be captured through the following three methods: Via email forwarding, mobile app, or directly in the software on the computer.

Send Email to MOCO

A personal spam-resistant inbox email is available for this purpose (see image below: 3). Save this as a contact for quick access. If a receipt needs to be sent, attach it as a PDF in the email. JPGs and PNGs are currently not considered (as images are often used in signatures, which would then create a receipt).

Mobile App 

Scan the receipt directly on the go. This will record the personal expense entry in the account.
Links: MobileApp for iPhone in the Apple Store and Android Google Play Store


On your computer or iPad you can also manually capture personal expenses in the profile under "Personal expenses" (see image).
Spesenerfassung aktivieren und nutzenEnglish image not yet available...

Personal Expenses Invoicing

Typically, one collects receipts over the course of a month and then submits them collectively as a personal expenses invoice. When submitting, you can directly address someone from the company and add a comment.

Submitting expenses

In the profile under "Expenses", select the accumulated receipts and submit them as a personal expenses invoice. Choose a contact person and, if necessary, record a comment.

Mandatory information
Date, title, and amount are mandatory and must be completed (4) before the item can be submitted (5). Optional information includes category, project, billable, detailed information, receipt (PDF, PNG, JPG).

spesenabrechnung einreichen im profilEnglish image not yet available...

Flat rates, car trips
MOCO currently cannot automatically calculate flat rates or car trips. Information for the calculation can be recorded for traceability as info for the item.

Workaround idea: use an Excel template and save the calculation as a PDF and upload it as a receipt.

Approve, Payout

Once a Personal expenses report has been created, the chosen contact person is notified, and the Personal expenses report is ready for approval in the account under "Expenses".

Contact person is notified

The chosen contact person (MOCO will suggest this person directly next time) is notified about the submitted Personal expenses report.


The responsible person approves the Personal expenses report under "Expenses"
Under "Expenses" > "Inbox" > "Personal expenses" (1,2) all open Personal expenses reports accumulate and need to be checked. Information can now be completed or adjusted. Individual receipts can also be removed. They go back to the submitting person.

Spesenabrechnung prüfen und genehmigenEnglish image not yet available...

Approve or Reject
Upon approval, a regular Expense with the corresponding items is created from the Personal expenses report. The Personal expenses report can also be rejected (action at the top right "Thumbs Down icon"). The receipts go back to the submitting person.

Automatic project assignment of costs upon approval
Upon approval, the Additional service is created from the items for the assigned projects for cost tracking/rebilling purposes.

Payout Personal expenses

Personal expenses reports can be conveniently paid via a transfer order. A prerequisite is that the employee's IBAN number is on file.

Traceability for employees
Every employee can track in their profile whether the Personal expenses report has been settled. If necessary, a personal message can also be sent to the person via "Notes & Files".

Find Personal expenses reports retrospectively

  • Under "Expenses", the filter can be used to search for the type Personal expenses or the search term can be narrowed down by name.
  • Under "Personnel", all Personal expenses reports are listed for the person.

Project Assignment

When recording personal expenses, employees can directly assign a project. If a wrong project has been assigned, correct this in the submitted expense report BEFORE approval, as the additional service in the project is created upon approval (cost tracking/re-invoicing).

Projects can also be assigned later.

Receipts paid with the company credit card
Such receipts can also be recorded by an employee without access rights to expenses by sending them via email to the general inbox address. A draft for review will then be created.

If an employee is also to record incoming invoices but not see the information on all expenses, they can be given restricted access rights for "Expenses". They can then only manage the expenses they have recorded themselves and assign these to projects for re-invoicing and/or cost tracking.

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