MOCO – Simplify Business.
Business Wissen Case Studies Integrationen MOCO Philosophie TippsE-Rechnungen für B2B-Umsätze – neue Pflicht in Deutschland ab 2025.
2024-04-05 | In the EU, and thus in Germany, electronic invoices in the B2B sector will soon become mandatory. Germany will first require the receipt of...
Wissenswertes zur QR-Rechnung: Schweiz & Ausland
2023-10-04 | If you issue invoices across borders, you might wonder how QR invoicing works, which is a standard only in Switzerland. Here are the answers if you...
Pro-Tipps für Excel-Auswertungen.
2023-09-14 | Delete Columns or Rows To delete rows or columns, select them and press the CTRL key in combination with the minus sign. Auto Adjust Column Width...
Umstellung der MWST-Sätze 2024 und DSG ab September 2023.
2023-08-25 | New VAT Rates from January 1, 2024 Starting in 2024, new value-added tax rates will apply in Switzerland. For service providers, this means ...
6 Tipps für eine stressfreie Ressourcenplanung im Projektbusiness.
2022-05-23 | Gantt charts, MS Project, Excel – many project managers still use these tools to plan their staff. However, these tools are not always capable of...
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Abschlagsrechnung Teilrechnung?
2021-12-13 | For new projects, you want to issue an invoice as soon as possible. Especially for longer-term projects, expenses are constantly incurred –...
Das zeitgemässe Agenturleben: Mit dem Kunden auf Augenhöhe.
2021-08-26 | An optimal relationship between client and agency as contractor is based on mutual trust – the fundamental trust that the client will be able to...
Rechnungsnummer, Nummernkreise – Infos & Beispiele.
2020-07-23 | Legally, there are only a few requirements regarding the numbering of invoices: The invoice number must follow a system, be unique, and sequential....
Was kostet mich ein Mitarbeiter? Den internen Stundensatz berechnen.
2020-05-14 | How profitable are my projects? What do I really get out of the offered hourly rate? Having a rough idea of these figures is important to avoid...
Pflichtangaben auf einer Rechnung.
2019-06-11 | Incorrectly issued invoices can lead not only to reissues and payment delays, but there is also the risk that you cannot reclaim the input tax from...
Cloud Software – 9 ausschlaggebende Punkte für Sicherheit & Datenschutz.
2019-02-25 | Cloud software is generally unbeatable in terms of price-performance ratio – and therefore particularly attractive for small and medium-sized...
Die Abschlags- und Schlussrechnung.
2018-09-13 | What is a progress invoice? How do you proceed? What needs to be considered? This article provides a compact overview of progress and final...
Angebot bestätigen – Auftrag bestätigen. Das ist der Unterschied.
2018-02-15 | The term order confirmation is often used incorrectly. This is because the terms proposal confirmation and order confirmation sound very similar...
12 Tipps für eine bessere Kommunikation in Agenturen – mit Slack.
2017-05-09 | It's a common issue. Those who specialize in communication often struggle with internal communication themselves. This is often due to company...
Standardsoftware oder Individualsoftware?
2017-02-08 | "Digitalization" is at the top of the agenda for most companies in 2017. Systems and applications for business processes have become indispensable....
Stornorechnung statt Gutschrift: Der richtige Weg bei einer fehlerhaften Rechnung.
2016-10-20 | If you want to revoke or correct an invoice, in the past this was done with a credit note. The correct approach today is the cancellation invoice....
7 Gründe, warum ein Sales Funnel für die Akquise unverzichtbar ist.
2016-08-23 | Sales, selling, or acquisition – in the end, it's all about winning new projects. But how can this be done most efficiently? Cold calling in the...
Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement, das Spass macht – mit Trello!
2016-08-10 | If you are a project manager and don't know Trello, you're missing out. Projects are organized here with boards, lists, and cards. The project...
Einheitliche Umsatzsteuer für Hauptleistung und Nebenleistung.
2016-03-18 | Generally speaking for service companies: It is rare for different tax rates to be applied simultaneously on an invoice. Typically, we refer to...
7 Tipps wie Sie eine webbasierte Agentursoftware erfolgreich einführen.
2016-03-12 | Introducing agency software is not something to be done on the side. It is important to schedule time for it and to involve the employees in the...