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Project Hours | Projects, Leads, Proposals | Invoices and Payments | Companies and Contacts | Forecast Revenues | Expenditures | Planning and Absences | Working Hours | Person/Staff | Additional Services

Project Hours

Filterable Global Hour Export

Under "Projects" > "Hourly Report"

Hourly Export by Year or Month 

Under "Reports" > "Time Tracking" > "Project Times" at the top right, there is an Excel export for all projects and people.

Individual Hour Exports for Person, Project, Client, etc.

Through the hourly reports on the individual levels (project, client, person, and overall), the time recording can be further filtered and exported specifically (PDF, Excel, CSV).

Projects, Leads, Proposals


Excel export for project lists is available at the top right (see example image of client projects)
Excelexport ProjekteEnglish image not yet available...

Projects with Custom Data

Excel export for the custom project list (Projects > Custom)

Project Profitability

Excel export available in the report "Reports > Projects"

Ongoing Leads

Excel export at the top right under "Acquisition" > "Leads"

Completed Leads

Excel export at the top right under "Acquisition" > "Completed"


Excel export and documents at the top right under "Acquisition" > "Proposals"

Invoices and Payments

Invoices by Creation Date

Location: Invoicing > Invoices
  • Export filtered invoices as Excel.
  • Download filtered invoice documents in bulk.
Attention: When filtering, select the desired status via the icons
Rechnungen und Zahlungen für Buchhaltung exportierenEnglish image not yet available...

Payments & Invoices by Payment Date 

Location: Invoicing > Payments
  • Export payments as Excel.
  • Export invoice documents by payment date.

Pre-accounted Accounting Exports

Companies and Contacts


The export option is located under "Companies" > "Customers"  at the top right.
Kontakte als Excel-Datei exportierenEnglish image not yet available...


The export option is located under "Companies" > "Suppliers"  at the top right.

Other Companies

The export option is located under "Companies" > "Other Companies"  at the top right.


can be exported as Excel from "Contacts" at the top right.
When filtering by label, only the filtered companies or contacts are generally exported.

Forecast Revenues

Under "Invoicing" > "Reports" you can export the composition of billable items and planned revenues here.
The same export can also be found under "Reports" > "Finance" at the top right.


Expenditures Inbox & Archive

Typically, the inbox contains pending expenditures, personal expenses, and drafts. The archive holds completed expenditures. Both the inbox and archive offer the following exports in the top right corner: 
  • Individual Items (including details defined at the item level: project name, project number, category, expense account, net, tax, gross, etc. Expenditures can consist of one or more items.
  • Simple Expenditure Export, not broken down by items.
  • Batch Download of Receipts
Export der Ausgaben bzw. EIngangsrechnungen und BelegenEnglish image not yet available...

Accounting Export

In addition to the standard exports, an Accounting Export is also available.

Outgoing Payments 

Under Expenditures > Payments, you can export all recorded payments.
  • Export Payments as Excel.
  • Export Receipts by payment date.

Planned Expenditures

Under "Expenditures > Planned" you will find the exports.
  • All planned expenditures under "All"
  • Recurring planned expenditures under "Recurring"

Planning and Absences

Reports > Planning

  • Export "Planning" Full year per person/day
  • Export "Absences" Full year per person/day

Reports > Personnel

  • Export "Target-Actual & Billability" Full year per person/month – Absences, target hours, etc.
  • Export "Vacation" Vacation account per person and number of sick days per year
  • Export "Absences" Export absences with daily precision, filterable by specific criteria.
ERP Agentursoftware MOCO Export Abwesenheiten KrankheitEnglish image not yet available...

Personnel > Person > Target-Actual

  • Export "Target-Actual" Full year per person/day – Absences, target hours, etc.

Working Hours

Person & Individual Period

An excerpt of the working hours per person for any given period can be created under "Personnel" at the person > "Working Hours". Each user can also find this option themselves under "Time Tracking" > "Working Hours" (see image) to create an excerpt.
  • PDF: Overview
  • xls or csv: Listing of individual work slots
Arbeitszeiterfassung Auszug DokumentationEnglish image not yet available...

Person & Entire Year

Under "Personnel" at the person, the export under "Target-Actual"  per day provides the target hours, working time, absences, and project times.

All Persons Entire Year

The time tracking of all persons for the entire month or year (xls). Under "Reports" > "Time Tracking" > "Working Hours"

Arbeitszeiten Export Personal ERP AgentursoftwareEnglish image not yet available...


Exporting personnel data

Under "Staff" at the top right, employee data can be exported as Excel.

Absences, Home Office, Working Hours, Target-Actual, Billability, etc. across all persons

Under "Reports" > "Staff", the comprehensive information displayed there can be exported.
Personaldaten exportieren Business Software MOCOEnglish image not yet available...

Target-Actual on a daily basis for an individual person

Under "Staff" > Person > "Target-Actual" there is an export at the top right, in which absences, home office, working hours, target-actual, etc. are broken down per day. This allows almost any display to be traced.

Exports on absences

Additional Services

Additional Services per Project

Additional services can be exported directly in the project under "Additional Services" at the top right.

Additional Services and Recurring Additional Services Globally

Under "Projects" > "Additional Services"

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