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Types of Invoicing

Time & Material | From Proposal / Flat Rate | Custom Invoice | Hybrid Forms | Advance & Final Invoice | Consolidated Invoice | Automatic/Bulk Invoicing Subscriptions | Invoice without a Project

Time & Material

If the billing type Time & Material is selected in the project, billable hours and additional services accumulate as potentially billable items in the project list or under "Invoicing" in the project or client. You can directly create the invoice by clicking "Show items" (1).

Abrechnung nach Aufwand time & and materialEnglish image not yet available...

In project invoicing, you can use the filter (1) (keyboard shortcut "F") to filter by time period or view and utilize non-billable items. Sometimes, you may want to show goodwill gestures to the client on the invoice or timesheet.
rechnungserstellung time and materialEnglish image not yet available...

Invoice Structure

You decide how detailed or compact the items appear on the invoice.
  • Monthly: Items are grouped by month. 
  • Detailed: Items are listed with a description of activities. Selected hours from the time tracking, including descriptions, can be billed as items. 
  • Compact: Items are not grouped by month, and services are summarized. 
The default can be predefined globally and also chosen alternatively per invoice (2) (alternative options selectable via button dropdown).

Rechnungsaufbau MOCOEnglish image not yet available...

Billing by Hourly Rate per Person

If "Hourly rate per person" is selected in the project, billing is done by person by default. This can be changed to "by service" in the settings. More on the setting

Billing in Days

Instead of regular hourly billing, a conversion to days can be defined. More on the setting

Automatically Attach Related Timesheet

The timesheet is automatically created for the invoice and can be directly integrated into the PDF (checkbox at the end of the invoice form). If the option is pre-selected for the client or project, the checkbox is automatically checked.

Mark Items as Already Billed

If billable items have already been billed elsewhere, mark selected items as "Already Billed" (3) via "Show items". This creates an entry in the invoice list (traceable/shareable).

When archiving the project, any still open items are automatically marked as already billed by MOCO.

Release Billed Hours Again

Hours that have been included in an invoice are locked. They can be released again by
a) Deleting the invoice
b) Deleting only the item on the invoice

Subsequently Add Expenses to the Invoice

From Proposal / Flat Rate

To invoice a proposal, it must be assigned to a customer.

When invoicing the proposal, it usually involves a project with a fixed price/flat rate. The invoicing plan to be filled (1) controls invoicing advice and revenue forecast.

Invoicing directly in the project:
Select the proposal if not already selected (2) and choose "Invoice proposal". Through the modal, the entire proposal or items from it can be invoiced. Afterwards, mark the invoicing plan as completed.
Umsatzforecast Abrechnungsplan: Angebot abrechnen TeilrechnungEnglish image not yet available...

Invoicing can also be done in the proposal detail view at the top right or in all lists on the right via the dropdown:

Angebote abrechnen Rechnung erstellenEnglish image not yet available...

Without Project
If a proposal is not assigned to a project, the created invoice is automatically assigned to the customer. Under "Invoicing" in the customer, invoicing can be done for the customer analogous to the project level, and customer-related invoices are listed. An invoice can also be assigned to a project afterwards.

Partial Invoice
Only specific items can also be invoiced (2 + 4) – MOCO then shows the remaining amount or offers the open items for the next invoice. Also, through the small blue link, all items of the proposal can be called up again.

Adding Efforts
Optionally, selected additional efforts can also be added.

Advance & Final Invoice
If an amount is to be invoiced on a percentage basis, it usually does not involve a partial invoice but an advance invoice. Here, certain rules must be followed » Advance invoices and their automatic deduction in the final invoice.

Consolidated Invoice at Customer Level
Positions recorded in the invoicing plan are also offered under "Billable Positions". This can be useful for a consolidated invoicing at the customer level from flat rates.

Already Invoiced
If the proposal has already been invoiced elsewhere, it can be set to "Already invoiced" (2) via "Select open proposal" (status Invoiced is assigned).

Custom Invoice

In the Client or Project under "Invoicing" via "Neutral" (1) you can also create a completely custom, individual invoice. 

Rechnungserstellung ERP Agentursoftware individuelle RechnungEnglish image not yet available...

Neutralize billed positions

Any billed, billable positions can be marked as "billed" via "Show positions" so they no longer appear as open. MOCO automatically marks them when you archive a project.

Hybrid Forms

Adding billable items to an invoice retrospectively
It is now possible to add individual or all billable items to an invoiced proposal or a custom invoice. To do this, within the invoice, click the green button "New Item" > "Billable Items".
(only within a project)
verrechenbare Positionen nachträglich hinzufügenEnglish image not yet available...

Advance & Final Invoice

Advance payments (interim invoices, deposit invoices) – are prepayments regardless of services already provided. For advance and final invoices, certain content features are relevant. MOCO supports with the following automation to comply with the content requirements – and automatically deducts advance invoices. This always works within a project. If advance and final invoices are necessary at the customer level, the steps have to be done manually.

Abschlagsrechnung-Akontorechnung und Schlussrechnung für Agenturen und DienstleisterEnglish image not yet available...

Create an advance/deposit invoice

1. Since an advance invoice is about a prepayment regardless of services rendered, a single line with percentage amount (or fixed amount depending on agreement) is the first choice. Therefore, you use the entry previously created in the billing plan or in the project under "Invoicing" the right box "Neutral" and insert a percentage position.
2. In the invoice form above the title "Advance Invoice" select (1). The term "Advance Invoice" is then automatically suggested in the title (The term Advance Invoice – or a similar one – should appear in the title). For multiple advance invoices, numbering is recommended ("Advance Invoice 1", "Advance Invoice 2", etc.).

Advance invoices are always without discount, as it is an independent deposit amount! Any possible discount is only applied at the final invoice!

If marking as an advance invoice was forgotten, this can be done on the top right of the invoice later (possibly manually adjust title):
Screenshot Abschlagsrechnung markierenEnglish image not yet available...

Tip for effort projects: Work against the advance amount
If an advance invoice was created in an effort project, the newly recorded positions are evaluated as "Billable positions" regardless. This is how you can solve it for the revenue forecast:
a) Record negative additional service (Billable, not in the budget, cost 0): A negative amount is shown at "Billable positions" until the advance amount is used up.
b) Mark the services covered by the advance invoice as "already invoiced" monthly.

Create a final invoice

Existing advance invoices are automatically deducted
1. Invoice the proposal and above the title "Final Invoice" select  (2).
2. The term "Final Invoice" is then automatically suggested in the title. (A final invoice should be titled accordingly. The title "Final Invoice" implies that there are corresponding advance payments.)
3. MOCO deducts in a separate section after a subtotal "Total Order", which denotes the total net sum of the proposal, the advance invoices net with the relevant details automatically (3) (Invoice number, invoice date, gross and VAT amount, VAT rate).

Special case temporary VAT reduction in Germany
If an advance invoice was issued with a different tax rate than the final invoice, this difference must be corrected. MOCO calculates the tax correction and lists it on the final invoice!

Multiple final invoices within a project?
Principally, there is one final invoice per project. However, there are cases where you want to create multiple final invoices because, for example, a project is invoiced to several recipients. In this case, delete the unnecessary advance invoices when creating the first final invoice – they will be automatically suggested for deduction in a new final invoice.

Partial invoice versus advance and final invoice

Partial invoices are invoices for services already provided. The scope of services is specified on the invoice. Partial invoices are conclusive and do not require a final invoice. Sometimes, however, you might want to name the last invoice "Final Invoice" to clarify that it is the last partial invoice for a project. Create partial invoice from proposal.

More information on advance invoice versus partial invoice
What to consider for an advance and final invoice

Consolidated Invoice

In the client section under "Invoicing", all client-related invoices are listed (1).

Cross-project Consolidated Invoice
Under "Billable Items" (2), you can create cross-project consolidated invoices.
In the relevant projects, the consolidated invoice is listed under "Invoicing" with the note "Consolidated Invoice" – and is accounted for as revenue.

Sammelrechnungen zum Kunden oder Rechnung zur ProjektgruppeEnglish image not yet available...

Project Group Consolidated Invoice
Clicking on the billable amount for the project group creates the Project Group Invoice (automatically filtered consolidated invoice).

Automatic/Bulk Invoicing Subscriptions

Certain invoices can be created and sent through a bulk action. This means triggers here are billable items – e.g., the automatic invoicing plan for retainers or billable services recorded in a project. 

Invoices you can create with a single click

For example, domains, hosting, etc.
For subscriptions and hosting, etc., a separate project (time-based without a budget) is created for the client, and under "Additional services," a so-called recurring additional service is recorded (billable & not within the budget). This acts as a trigger with a specific date and duration. On the due date, the additional service is created and can be invoiced (optional: notification for this).

When you set up a retainer in MOCO, it creates an automatic invoicing plan, and the monthly amount can be invoiced on the selected due date (including text selectable in the invoicing plan). All about the retainer

Monthly or periodic invoicing of efforts
All recorded billable hours and additional services are in projects with the invoicing type "time-based." All about time-based projects

NOT intended for this option is when individual proposals need to be invoiced or individual invoices created. Here you click as usual on the billable amount in the project list and create the invoice in the project under "Invoicing" (or under "Invoicing" in the client).

Go to "Invoicing" > "Billable"

1. Filter by period, label, etc.
2. Select all or specific projects and click on "Next" (3)
4. Create invoices
Alternatively, you can create drafts first. These can be easily deleted, making them ideal for initial tests.

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Clicking the blue "i" displays any invoicing info that may be stored.

Mass mailing
Under "Invoicing" > "Invoices," select the smart filter "Created" on the left, choose invoices for sending, and initiate the sending process via "Next" at the bottom right.

Checklist for good preparation:

  • Work with labels e.g., "Inv. monthly," "Inv. yearly," ...
    This way, you can filter the projects to be invoiced with one click (1)
  • Standardize the due dates of recurring services across clients
    e.g., always record the recurring service with the due date of the 27th of a month and invoice at the end of the month or on the 1st of the following month.
  • Check the data used by MOCO for automatic invoicing
    Since MOCO composes the invoice title as "Invoice – Project Name," the project name should be descriptive.
    Check client-specific details like payment terms or closing text
    Record project-specific details like invoice contact, timesheet, invoicing note
    Define standards for client and project

Alternative option: Use bulk action under "Projects"

Massenabrechnung Massenaktion Rechnung erstellenEnglish image not yet available...

1. Filtern, 2. Projekte auswählen, 3. "Abrechnen" als Aktion wählen, 4. Angaben setzen, 5. Wählen ob Entwürfe oder Rechnungen direkt (mit Vergabe der Rechnungsnummer) erstellt werden sollen.

Invoice without a Project

Invoices can also be created without projects. What is always needed is a customer. You then create the invoice directly from the proposal or under the customer:

Rechnung ohne Projekt bzw. Angebot ohne Projekt abrechnenEnglish image not yet available...

Invoicing proposals (2)
All open proposals assigned to the customer are offered for selection and can be invoiced completely or partially. Proposals can also be invoiced from the lists or directly in the detail view.

Custom Invoice
A generic invoice is created via "Neutral" (4). It is also possible to search for any existing invoice and copy it.

Generic invoices can also be assigned to projects subsequently if needed.

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